
Where have I been?

I have not posted since I started my job as a media specialist. I've thought about posting, but for one thing, I have had time. And it also seems like I have too much to write. How can I condense these days and weeks into a post or two? I will start by saying this: I love the kids at my school. They are wonderful. I also admire and respect the teachers that I work with. Our school is filled with talent. It gives me a lot to live up to as an educator. I am also fortunate to have a county with a Media Services department that is made up of amazing, supportive individuals. "Wow," is all I can say in describing them.

It hasn't been an easy road though. I was thrown off guard by a situation that took place in the first couple of weeks that completely took the wind out of my sails...at least for a month or so. I'm now in recovery mode, but I still wonder what I may have stepped into.
When I'm with my students though, I feel like I'm in the right place.

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