So in today's class we have been looking at the Georgia Standards website.
It has a wealt

h of information and resources for Georgia teachers. After visiting the site, I am really bothered that a lot of my child's teachers have used teacher websites for instruction, without checking into who actually is publishing the site. Often times the information is wrong, which is really frustrating when I help my child with her homework and the questions are incorrect. I have never brought this to their attention, simply because I admire teachers so much and never want to be an interfering parent, telling them how to do their job. However, if teachers would use authoritative sites such as the Georgia Standards website, this would not be a problem. Heck, an old fashioned textbook would be better! I have to wonder if many teachers do not realize that teacher websites found with Internet search engines are not always reliable resources. As a media specialist, I will make sure teachers understand the importance of using authoritative websites and I will help them locate the best instructional sites.
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