My husband just placed an order for a new laptop. So we will now have four laptops and two desktop computers at my house. Add an iTouch, Smartphone, Flip camera, a digital camera, and a video camera and I’d say that we are sufficiently covered in the technology department. Sometimes I wonder if my family is too technology-obsessed when I hear other moms sounding off about kids spending too much time on computers. I never know if I should counter their arguments or not. I have thought about taking a technology vacation, however my husband is a college professor and he teaches online classes so he simply cannot do it. Plus, my 11 year old daughter uses a computer to produce videos for her Youtube collab. channel and she would never agree to taking a technology break. And I am just as guilty. Even though I enjoyed reading a paperback book last night before bed, I still plan to buy an iPad or a Nook in the near future—how can I resist a device that will hold a personal library of over 1000 books?!
What I do know however, is that my daughter spends her time on the computer doing some amazingly creative stuff. My husband is teaching with his computer and as a graduate student I am learning with my computer. Perhaps my family is not technology-obsessed, rather we are just riding the wave of a technology driven society. More importantly we are using technology for learning. We are not couch potatoes; we are a "techno-savvy-family." I think that sounds much better. Now I’ll get off my computer and head to the pool to ride a different kind of wave!
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