
It ended before it began

I graduated from UGA and applied to readmission over the course of one week. It was nice to not be a student for a few days... The new semester has started and I am already feeling overwhelmed. Not only do I have new classes to prepare for but I've also been busy this week getting all the needed documents ready to obtain my media specialist certification. I always describe myself as "overwhelmed," yet I confess I am also excited about what I will be learning this semester. I sound a little nerdy to actually admit that I am excited to learn. How can I get students to feel this way? Excited, not nerdy.

The part that excites me the most about this semester is the fact that I will be serving as a reading tutor for a student who is disadvantaged and attends a school in a rougher part of the city. I have a soft spot for kids who do not have the advantages that I was given. I love working with them and letting them know that I care about them and their education. Obviously, my main objective it to help improve the reading skills of my student, but I know how important it is to connect with a child too. I have had so many great connections over the years that I've spent working with children. Sometimes I think that I've learned more from my students than they have learned from me. As much as I want to do well in my reading courses, I really want to make a difference this semester. So watch out kiddo because we are going to do great things!

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