
From the files of my mind...

I have had an idea for a children's picture book floating around in my head for 10 years now. For some reason I suddenly started working on it a few weeks ago. I illustrated my main character along with the first page of the book and I wrote all of the text. It went fairly quickly since everything has been stored neatly in my mind for so long. I have already sent it out to an agent. Now the waiting begins...along with the anticipation of rejection. I know that the odds are stacked against me. I suppose that is why it has taken me so long to actually start writing and drawing. I'm not the most confident person so it's actually amazing that I sent it out. I believe in my character and the idea though, so I have to try. The entire time that I have spent working on the book I have been completely focused on the creative process and what I am trying to convey with the text and illustrations. It came from a good place. I hope the finished product projects that good place :)

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