
Parents: Do you have a reluctant reader?

I have learned through my own experience as a mom of a reluctant reader that it takes extra work and perseverance to get a reluctant reader to enjoy books. When my child was in elementary school she didn't enjoy reading, yet she did enjoy being read to. So every night at bedtime, I read to her. Nightly read alouds became our special time. When I started reading chapter books to her, we both looked forward to reading the next chapters each night to find out what would happen next. I also took her to the local library and to bookstores to select books. I let her choose what to read and if she didn't want to continue with a book, I allowed her to choose another book. I did everything that I could to make her experience with books enjoyable. Now that she is in middle school she has been reading more on her own and she even refers to herself a "bookworm." I still read to her though, and since I work at an elementary school, I often share a picture book that is silly or one that has great illustrations. I feel that reading together throughout her childhood has been a wonderful experience for us both!

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