
Twitterchat Response

 This was the first time that I have ever participated in a Twitterchat. I do have a Twitter account and I use it to keep up with other school librarians and current events. After watching the class video, I connected to Twitterdeck too and I really like the format. It did take me a while to get the hang of Twitterchat as I kept roaming off to other areas, but Twitterdeck helped me get back to where I needed to be. After the chat was over I felt like it was a good medium to chat and it made me think about how I can use it in the future with students. I know that my high school students use Snapchat. I am not very familiar with it so I need to explore it more, as well. It definitely was a fun exercise and I'm glad I had the opportunity to take part in the discussion. 

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